
Sonia Osinski

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Most Common Mistakes When Creating Buyer Personas

Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your actual customers created based on research and real data based on existing customers. Each buyer persona is a type of client that shares specific attributes and traits that make them interact similarly in the buying process.
Sonia Osinski
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What Is An Ideal Customer Profile or ICP?

An Ideal Customer Profile is a description of a hypothetical company or person that you would most like to do business with.
Sonia Osinski
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7 Paid Media Mistakes B2B Companies Make In Early Growth Stages

Paid media is one of the easiest ways to gain awareness and generate leads. But it can also be a considerable risk for companies who are just starting or aren't aware of the downsides and mistakes that can happen when not done correctly.
Sonia Osinski
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Why isn't my website reaching its target audience?

You may have the biggest budget, the best design, reputation, and information but people may still not reach it or may reach it and immediately drop off.
Sonia Osinski
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Why is my marketing automation system not working for me?

Doing Marketing Automation is not easy. It can be intimidating as it implies multiple modules, integrations, and involvement with different teams, team members, and setups to get it to where you need.
Sonia Osinski
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Why Marketing Should Be Involved In Customer Success

Every marketer knows that acquiring new customers is significantly more expensive and time-consuming than retaining existing ones. And to retain these customers, it's important not only to give them great customer experience but also to understand what they need, if their needs have changed and how to help them at every stage.
Sonia Osinski
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Why You Need To Connect Your CRM & Marketing Automation Software

Marketing automation systems and CRMs are thought to go together: they have multiple connection points or APIs to feed off each other constantly and provide useful information to connect marketing and sales efforts in a very simple way. So to answer the main question, let's start by asking it the other way around: What happens when the two aren't connected?
Sonia Osinski
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Upgrading Your Sales & Marketing Stack? - Read These Tips

Upgrading your marketing stack can be a daunting task. Here's what you need to know to define your needs, make your upgrade go smoothly and result in a well integrated solution.
Sonia Osinski
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What Is Lead Generation? The 2020 Guide To Generating Leads

2020 is an exciting year for lead generation because of tools like marketing automation, chatbots, behavior-based lead scoring and marketing personalization to provide more relevant buying experiences that result in higher conversion rates.
Sonia Osinski