Begin By Understanding Why eCommerce Shoppers Abandon Carts
When customers are shopping for products online, there are 4 primary reasons eCommerce shoppers abandon their carts without successful checkout.
- High shipping costs
- Insecurity and doubt about purchase
- High product price
- They want to save it for later consideration
We are going to address all 4 of these problems, and provide you with the Top 10 eCommerce tactics tor reducing abandoned carts & growing revenue, using cutting edge digital marketing strategy, and automated technologies.
Improve Trust With eCommerce Customers
eCommerce sales are all about trust, and transparency. If you want people to buy from you, then you must make the process simple, enjoyable, and crystal clear, otherwise you risk losing potential customers. A good way to do this is my making sure your eCommerce website design is professional, your site appears secure with an SSL connection, and displaying trustable logos on the site, so users feel comfortable giving you their payment info.

Keep Pricing & Shipping Transparent
By far one of the biggest reasons why eCommerce customers abandon their shopping carts without completing checkout, is because the pricing and shipping is complicated and difficult to calculate or understand. If you want to reduce abandoned carts, it is imperative that you make pricing simple, and shipping options easy to understand and calculate. The includes making it clear to your customers at checkout what the total cost is including shipping before you ask for payment.

Allow eCommerce Guest Checkout
We live in a fast paced world, and sometimes customers don't have time to fill out a long form in order to create an account to buy from your eCommerce store. This is why it's good to offer a guest checkout option for those customers that are in a hurry, and don't have time or feel like going through the account creation process in order to buy products from your eCommerce store.

Offer Fast & Simple Delivery Options
One of the biggest reasons customers abandon their shopping carts is because they are confused about shipping, or they realize that they need the item faster that you are able to ship it to them. It's worth taking the time to research competitors, and how they are shipping items so you can also offer competitively fast shipping times, at a competitively priced rate. The are many options out there for remotely storing and drop shipping items from warehouses to reduce cost, and shipping times, so your customers have a better experience shopping with you.

Design a Customer Centric eCommerce Experience
User experience is an extremely important tactic for reducing abandoned carts and growing your revenue online. The person or agency who designs your website should take the time to interview your customers in order to gather feedback that can be used to design a better customer experience. In addition to user interviews, there are software such as Lucky Orange that allow you to record the screens of your visitors to pinpoint moments of frustration causing shoppers to abandon their carts. Combined with Google events tracking, you should be able to gather the necessary data, and intelligence you need to improve user experience through customer centric design.

Allow Customers To Save Cart For Later
One of the simplest ways to get customer who are shopping around and comparing deals, to eventually complete a successful checkout is to make it really easy for them to save their cart for later without losing the items they added to their shopping cart. It's just a proven fact that people shop around at multiple stores to get the best deal, and if you make it easy for them too save their cart, they will have a more enjoyable experience when they come back to your site closer to the final stages of the purchasing process.

Send Followup Email With List Of Items In Cart + Discount
For customers that did in fact abandon their cart, there is still hope through the use to automated email technology for eCommerce. Integrating your store with an email marketing service provider like mailchimp enables you to setup automated emails that go out to customers to abandon their shopping carts with a list of the items in their cart, a button to recover their cart, and even an attractive discount offer for completing checkout.

Send Followup Email With Complimentary Items
Another clever tactic for getting customers to complete checkout is to send an email with items that are complimentary to the items they added to cart and failed to successfully checkout. This can not only convert abandoned eCommerce shopping carts into completed orders, but also give you the opportunity to up sell the customer on additional items.

Use Data To Pinpoint Why eCommerce Customers Are Leaving
Data is your best friend when it comes to squeezing maximum profit from your eCommerce store. Google Analytics, and Lucky Orange are 2 of the tools we use the most to help our clients generate the best return on investment possible from their eCommerce store and digital marketing investment to driving traffic to the website. Using data helps you validate reasons why visitors aren't converting, and where your most profitable customer are coming from when they land on your website. This data combined with cutting edge technology, and talented user experience designers, you should be well on your way to reducing abandoned carts, and growing revenue.